a miracle working God.

Y’all. Let me just tell ya, the Lord is SO GOOD to us.

If you’re in a season where you doubt the Lord’s goodness to you, can I just challenge you to open your heart to receive this message God’s laid on my heart to share?

This particular journey I’ve been on with the Lord started back in October when I led worship for a retreat with my home church. That weekend, I participated in the miracle of salvation with a student. I began to realize how salvation is indeed a miracle, and that’s why we celebrate it the way we do – it’s someone moving from death to life. It’s a miracle because it’s only possible through Christ, and his death and resurrection was THE miracle that makes the rest of them possible!

When Bethel’s song “Reckless Love” was released, I immediately resonated with the bridge that says, “There’s no shadow you won’t light up, mountain you won’t climb up, coming after me…There’s no wall you won’t kick down, lie you won’t tear down, coming after me.”

I never connected the dots on this until last night, but this whole song reminds me of salvation. The Cross is all about the Lord going to the farthest extent to bring us to Himself, kicking down the walls and lies placed on and around Him, so that way we could know His goodness to us. This is a miracle.

Over the last few months, I’ve been sitting in what it means to experience the reckless love of God. If you don’t know the story behind the song, definitely google “Reckless Love Song Story” and you can read all about it! It’s so powerful. Anyways, the bridge to this song has given me an anthem to sing over my own life, and last night, I was able to experience another miracle as a dear friend of mine accepted Christ over the phone, and  this bridge continued to be such a tangible reminder that NOTHING will ever be able to keep me us of His reach. I experienced yet another miracle.

What really got me to write this post was what I experienced this morning. With the whole theme of “Miracles” heavy on my mind, today just continued to wreck me at the Lord’s power. At Liberty University, where I currently attend school, we have something called “Convocation” every MWF. Tasha Cobbs, a gospel artist, joined us this morning to lead us in worship. First of all, she’s a total boss and slays everything she sings. Second, David Nasser, our Campus Pastor, brought to our attention three girls who had recently been in a car accident on their way to have a sunrise worship time on one of the mountain spots here in VA. Unfortunately, they were involved in a car accident due to extremely foggy conditions and one of the girls has been in the ICU on a ventilator and had no response on the left side of her body, desperately needing a miracle in her life. We prayed as a school community over this girl and asked the Lord to intervene. Tasha continued leading “Break Every Chain” and 10 minutes later, Nasser received a text in the middle of worship saying that not only had the ventilator been removed, but she was able to move both of her legs. THIS IS A MIRACLE, Y’ALL. I immediately just began to weep as I was overwhelmed by the incredible love that God has for His children and how there is no wall He won’t kick down to come after us.

If you need a miracle today, even for the smallest thing, don’t give up hope. If you need the Lord, reach out! If you need healing, trust Him to give it! If you need financial help, trust Him to provide it! As I think about the miracle in my life of my salvation, I am so humbled that the Lord would choose me as His child, despite how much I do every day to fail Him. He’s so good, ya’ll, and I can’t help but be excited about it!

I hope this encouraged someone today to not give up hope that a miracle for your life is in motion. I’ve attached the clip from Convo today so you can get a glimpse of what we got to experience today. Convocation with Tasha Cobbs

Believing along with you for whatever miracle you’re needing tonight.



2 thoughts on “a miracle working God.

  1. Simply beautiful! Beautiful reminder of the depth and breadth of God’s love for us. He is actively pursuing us. How glorious that you were used by God to help your friend find their way Home. Angels are rejoicing!

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